SP 500 Market Forecast

A chart showing the bottom of a stock price.

Our market forecast of the SP 500 Index remains stellar and on track. The forecast of the SP 500 was produced in early March of 2022, and forecast the year running from March 21st of that year through March 21st, 2023.

The forecast is made using the process of the late trader W. D. Gann. It utilizes 2 "curves." Most years, these curves agree. This year, they split.

In the beginning of the forecast period, the green line represents the unified curves and is "high confidence." Then about June, the 2 curves split, and we forecast down energy entering the SP 500 Index here, we must wait to see which line the market follows. It confirms the down energy by following the green line. The market will now lock onto this line until March 2023.

It called the bottom on the SP 500 pretty exact. Our "Empire" Market Forecast letter is only available to accredited investors by request only, and is updated by real-time trades, stock picks and position management throughout the SP 500 forecast period.